Ayu Health

Women Fertility

Effective Family Planning Methods You Can Follow

Effective Family Planning

World Health Organization (WHO) defines family planning as ?  

“The ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility”  

Why is family planning necessary? 

In 1952, family planning was implemented to help reduce the birth rate and keep the population at a level that matched the national economy. It is also an important aspect in eliminating poverty and improving women’s empowerment and gender equality.

It benefits individuals, families, communities and society as a whole. Some of the Family planning advantages include:

  1. Avoiding unplanned pregnancies
  2. Preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) 
  3. Reducing rates of infertility by addressing the STDs

Listed below are a few effective methods helpful for planning your future family without any complications.

Family Planning Methods 

Many contraceptive methods are available to help women, men, and couples plan their families and avoid unplanned pregnancies and/or STDs. 

Contraception comes in a variety of forms. Although no method is completely effective, some are significantly more reliable than others. Effectiveness is determined largely by how closely people follow instructions. It is easier to follow instructions for some techniques than for others.

The Barrier Methods:

Barrier birth control methods act as barriers between the man’s sperm and the woman’s egg. Barrier methods include either physical devices (male and female condoms) that prevent the sperm from reaching an egg or chemicals (spermicides) that kill or damage sperm in the vaginal canal.


  1. Male condom 
  2. Female condom 
  3. Diaphragm/Cervical caps 
  4. Spermicide 
  5. Contraceptive sponge 

Male and female condoms also provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) while others do not. You can find spermicide, condoms, and sponges in most drugstores, but diaphragms/cervical caps require a doctor’s prescription.

Hormonal Contraceptives 

They prevent pregnancy by stopping the release of eggs from the ovaries during the ovulation period. Hormonal contraceptive methods include – 

  1. Oral contraceptive pills
  2. Injectables
  3. Implants
  4. Skin patches 
  5. Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)

Hormonal methods contain either one or two female sex hormones (estrogen and progestin) that are similar to the hormones naturally produced by a woman’s body. All hormonal contraceptives usually have the same side effects and restrictions, which will be explained to you by your gynaecologist. 

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Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC)

LARC doesn’t require you to do anything to prevent a pregnancy every day or every time you have sex. These include: 

  1. Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
  2. Etonogestrel single-rod contraceptive implant

Before implanting LARCs, your doctor will need to review your overall health and fitness. A professionally qualified doctor or nurse must insert and remove all LARCs. This can be done at a Family Planning clinic, or by a gynaecologist.  

Permanent Contraception 

Permanent contraception, often known as sterilization, is a method of preventing future pregnancies. Reversing it is extremely difficult, if not impossible. These techniques are ideal for men, women, and couples who are positive they will never have children. A vasectomy or tubal ligation are two options for permanent contraception.

Family planning isn’t just about contraceptive measures to avoid pregnancies and STDs. It also includes ? 

  • The options you have with an unplanned pregnancy
  • The fertility of both male and female partner
  • Screening for good health in women, which includes breast and cervical cancer
  • Education, testing, and referral to related areas of medicine and counsel 

If you’d like to speak to a professional about the safest contraception option for you or get some advice for family planning ?Ayu Health can assist you. Consult the best gynaecologists in your area to know more about contraceptive measures and effective family planning. To book a consultation with a gynaecologist at  Ayu Health may be your best bet! For booking an appointment, call 636-610-0800

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